MAE 6430 - Computational Combustion
This class revisits the fundamentals in thermodynamics, chemistry, and fluid mechanics in light of modern numerical combustion techniques, provide a comprehensive map of the current modeling approaches used to simulate combustion devices, and develop the students' analysis and critical thinking skills when facing simulated combustion results.
Spring 2014
Spring 2016

Turbulent jet visualization
Daniel Houck (2015)
MAE 6310 - Turbulence and Turbulent Flows
Topics include the nature of turbulence and its physical manifestations, statistical description and scales of turbulent motion, turbulent free shear flows and wall bounded flows, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and closure models, introduction to large-eddy simulation, and mixing and reaction in turbulent flows.
Spring 2013
Spring 2015
MAE 5070 - Dynamics of Flight Vehicles
Introduction to stability and control of atmospheric-flight vehicles. Through a series of case studies, each focusing on different flight stages or configurations, the course explore the dynamics that govern the motion of aircrafts. Review of aerodynamic forces and methods for analysis of linear systems. Static stability and control. Small disturbance equations of unsteady motion. Dynamic stability of longitudinal and lateral-directional motions; transient response.
Spring 2017
[Spring 2019]
MAE 3050 - Introduction to Aeronautics

The winners of the 2014 plane design competion and their designs.
Introduction to aerodynamic design of aircraft. Principles of incompressible and compressible aerodynamics, boundary layers, and wing theory. Calculation of lift and drag for aircraft, Prandtl lifting line theory. Analysis of aerodynamic performances. Introduction to stability and control. A plane competition at the end of the class allows students to apply basic concepts of aerodynamics and stability to aircraft design
Fall 2011
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
Fall 2014
Fall 2016
ENGRD/MAE 2210 - Thermodynamics
Presents the definitions, concepts, and laws of thermodynamics. Topics considered include applications to ideal and real gases, vapor and gas power systems, refrigeration, and heat pump systems. Examples and problems are related to contemporary aspects of energy, power generation, and broader environmental issues.
[Fall 2018]